A celebration of the 50th anniversary of Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, this conference will address current trends and perspectives in mathematical modeling, analysis, and numerical simuation. It will be an opportunity to gather the many researchers who have built connexions with the Laboratoire through these fifty years.
Amphithéâtre Farabeuf, Campus des Cordeliers, 15 rue de l'Ecole de Médecine, 75006 Paris
Karine Beauchard
Yann Brenier
Eric Cancès
Maria Esteban
Pierre-Louis Lions
Stéphane Mallat
Jean-Marie Mirebeau
Sepideh Mirrahimi
Ayman Moussa
Stefan Müller
Alfio Quarteroni
Christian Rey
Nicolas Rougerie
Laure Saint-Raymond
Andrew Stuart
Karen Veroy-Grepl
Registration is free but mandatory.
In the registration process you will need to validate twice, first by clicking "Récapitulatif" at the bottom of the first page, then by clicking "Modifier" at the bottom of the second page.
Deadline for registration: November 17
Valeria Banica, Albert Cohen, Marie Doumic, Michael Goldman, François Jouve, François Murat, Benoit Perthame, Marie Postel